

What is your perspective?


What is your perspective on your own life?


How do you see yourself?


If you wish that things were better in your life… 

then it would be good to look at how you see yourself.


How do your see your role in your relationships and in society?


How do you judge about your own functioning?


Is it someone’s else’s perspective or is it truly yours?


Are you happy with it … ? 


Your perspective is also influences how you feel.


Is it serving you for your own good?



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Appreciating the good things in our lives contributes to our happiness.

We will feel more abandoned.


Being present in the moment and being aware that someone is making a kind gesture and showing your appreciation gives a feeling of happiness.


A small gesture can make a big difference.

Kind gestures add value to life and have a positive ripple effect.


The positive effect of small gestures and appreciation goes far beyond what we can see.

The positive effect lasts all day long and will also have a positive effect on other people.


Appreciating a gesture is valuable for the person making the gesture and for yourself.



There is an article about the Positive Psychology of giving thanks from:

Harvard Health Publishing

Harvard Medical School  



Do you have an example of how appreciation has a positive impact or do you want to share an experience, please leave a comment below.



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Our mindset is forming our lives

therefore changing our mindset

means that we can change our lives.


You have the power over your mindset


The mindset is the way we think


You have the power over your way of thinking


Therefore  you have the power over how you think


Are you aware of your thoughts? 


Are they positive or negative?


You can change negative beliefs.


Negative beliefs are a mindset, a way of thinking.


These negative beliefs can block us from what we really want and what is important to us.



How is your perspective?


Can you think about your beliefs as if you seen them from the window of a plane from above?



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Time Management


How do you manage your time?


Your time is valuable!


Are you aware how precious your time really is?


You can manage your time without being stressed.


Is there a healthy balans in your live?


Do you know what is really important to you?


The tasks that really have to be done and the tasks that can wait.


If you think about it then... there will be things that you don’t to really need to do.


Making a list of priorities, long term and short term is a good option!


Are the amount of task and the time that you can spend to do them realistic?



How do you manage your time?

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Saving Energy

How are you saving your energy?


One way to save your energie during the day is by paying less attention to things that bother you and more attention to what matters to you and the steps bring you closer to your goal.


Focus on what matters for you while you are working on your plans and tasks.
Make sure you enjoy what you do and have fun!


When you make a plan ask yourself - Is this working for me? How is this going to turn out for me? Is it good for me?


And then... give it your best!

Make sure that you give your plan and goal the most focus and energy!



If you are interested in scientific based tips:

Harvard Medical School  




How do you keep your energy level up? 


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What can you do to make yourself happy?


What can you do to make yourself happy?

One of the aspects that make people happy is having a good relationship with family and friends.
An important insight in this matter is that you cannot make others happy by being unhappy. So you don't have to feel selfish, because you want to take care of yourself and be happy yourself.
Some things that can make you feel happier are easy to imply. Appreciation and gratitude, for example.
You can be grateful that you have a certain person or persons in your life. Or you can be thankful for that good cup of coffee.
Expressing appreciation can give others a feeling of happiness. Expressing your appreciation can also make you feel more connected to people, which makes you feel happy.
Results from various studies on happiness show that happiness is a mindset and a combination of different aspects.
For additional info:

Harvard university 


Do you want to discover for yourself what makes you and the people around you happy?
Please share and add a comment below.


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Are your habits helping you?

Are your habits helping you?

Do you know where you are working towards?


Is it clear to yourself what is important for you? Do you know what you want to achieve? 

Where do you want to go and what do you need to get there?


Are your habits really useful to you?


Do your daily habits help you to achieve what you want?


It could be that we have developed a certain habit that brings us further away from our our goal instead of closer.


Is there a habit you would like to change or would you like to establish a new enjoyable helpful habit for yourself?


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Be Strong


Make yourself strong and powerful for what is important to you

Make yourself strong for what you want to achieve.


Plan the steps you want to take, adjust when needed and keep going. 

Train yourself in the field of your interest. Training helps you to master and it gives you the strength to keep going. 

Take good care of yourself along the road. Focus on what is important for you. 

Make sure you save your energy for the final sprint toward achieving your goal.


Sifan Hassan born in Ethiopia, came to the Netherlands as a refugee when she was a teenager and after working on her dream and not giving up. Every time regaining her strength, she accomplished at that moment what most people thought was not possible.


After winning Gold in the heavy challenging Olympic Marathon in Paris. Sifan said, she was very tired before she started the marathon due to the previous challenges and she had slept very little the night before the Marathon. 

Her training and inner strength gave her the power to persevere and even manage to save energy for the legendary final sprint towards fulfilling her lifelong dream. 


Sifan Hassan masters the technique to save energy and keep up strength for the moments that are important. Moments that really count to win. 


 See the links below for more information.

Olympics on YouTube

Team NL


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What is stopping you?


What's stopping you?

What's stopping you from doing what you want to do?


Would you like to exercise with others and do you have a disability? 

The athletes who participate in the Paralympics are an example, a role model for what is possible.


There are a number of foundations that make sports accessible to people with disabilities.


Research has shown that sports and exercise have a very positive effect on physical and mental health.

In addition, sport fulfills an important social and societal function.


Every person is unique and there are many possibilities.


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Perfection? It's all about progress…


Perfection? It's all about progress…

Achieving your goals is all about continuing to work towards your goals step by step to achieve them.

There are things that can distract you from what you want to do.

An example of this is perfectionism:

It can lead to someone ultimately not working towards their goals.

Feeling like everything has to be perfect can have several causes.

Are you a perfectionist and is it not working for you?

Do you know what the underlying causes are?

What do you think about when you notice that you end up avoiding working towards your goal?


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You too are an outstanding performer!

You too are an outstanding performer!

What are you good at?

Would you like to do more with that?


Do you want to further develop what you are good at? So that you can excel in your skill, in your field or hobby.

That could really be anything! 

You know what you are good at and what you like to do.


An example of excelling in skill can be seen in this video from Land of Running posted on YouTube where the athletes, including Femke Bol, run a 400 meter hurdles race. For years they have trained and improved their skills which has ultimately led to excellent performances.


See also the article in De Stad Amersfoort where Femke Bol comes from:


How are you going to further develop your skills and push your boundaries?


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The most powerful way to achieve your goals


The most powerful motivation to achieve your goals comes from your passion for what you love to do.

It is therefore important that it is your goal, your passion!

Why do you want to achieve it?

How do you motivate yourself to achieve your goals?

What drives you? 


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Are you making the best of this moment?


How do you make the most of the moment?

This moment also determines the next moment through the thoughts, emotions and actions you associate with it.

Are you aware of your own influence on this moment, the next and ultimately your future?


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When was the last time you did something new?


When was the last time you did something new?

It turns out that once people start doing what they want to do, after a while it becomes normal and less special. It starts to feel like a chore, something that has to be done.

It actually gives room for growth and progress!


Do you ever try something new? Something… you’ve never done before but would like to?

For example, undertaking something that feels like an adventure.

After which you can continue with satisfaction and renewed courage.


Do you want to change or improve something or do you want to do something new?


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Do you feel free to make your dreams come true?


Do you feel free to make your dreams come true?

Do you experience the freedom to do what is important to you?


How do you create your freedom?

Are you using your freedom to work towards your goals?


A quote from Albert Einstein in 'Out of my later years':

“Everything that is truly great and inspiring has been created by an individual who could work in freedom.”


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Do you think in possibilities?


Do you think in possibilities?

Are you looking at what you can do to make your dreams come true?


Do you experience an obstacle as something you cannot overcome?

Or, do you see an obstacle as a new opportunity,

to explore other options? 


How have you overcome obstacles like that before? 

It is possible!


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What helps you to fully recharge?


How do you relax?

Do you take time to relax?

Is there a balance between rest and effort?

What helps you to fully recharge?

What do you enjoy?

How do you come to yourself?

And when you are relaxed, recharged and at peace, 

how do you hold on to that feeling?


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What is your path?

What is your path?

What makes you excel?

How do "you" do that?

Do you keep going when things are tough?

How does it feel when you finally see the results? 


Sifan Hassan became Olympic Champion for the marathon for the Netherlands today! She tells about the road to the Olympic Games and the bronze for the 500 and 10000 meters. And this victory today, her thoughts and feelings. What Sifan tells is remarkable.


The words of Anne Luijten, the second runner for NL, are also an important message.

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How do you value your own achievements?


What is your record?

Where have you outdone yourself?

How do you value your own achievements?

Do you recognize your own personal heroic deeds?

Do you recognize the self-confidence that this has given you?

Does this self-confidence give you resilience?

Can you take that into your next plans and experiences?

Do you recognize that your previous achievements have proven that you can do it?


New world record 400m hurdles by Sydney McLaughlin.

Check out the Eurosport website: video.shtm

And on


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What do you need to come closer to your goal?


What's your plan?

What is important to you here?

What do you need to get closer to your goal? 

What are the specific steps you will take?

Can you describe the steps in as much detail as possible?

What do you need to prepare?

Can you imagine the actions that will follow?

What are you going to do very first?

When do you want to have achieved your goal?


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Do you have fun working towards your goal?


How do you make it fun to work towards your goal?

Does what you do make you happy?

By enjoying what you do you greatly increase your chances of success!

A good example of this is what Olympic champion Simone Biles (US) said:

"If you're having fun, that's when the best memories are built."  

She won 3 gold and 1 silver in Paris.

Simone Biles knows how important it is to have fun in what you do and that you have to create the fun yourself.

She has now won a total of 41 Olympic medals, the most medals ever for gymnasts.

The memories of the fun and beautiful moments give you self-confidence, strength and the ability to achieve more success.


Watch Simone Biles amazing performance on YouTube made by Eurosport


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What is your strength?


What is your strength?

What are you good at?

What gives you strength?

Which skills can you use well to achieve what you want?

What skills would you like to develop?

Do you want to build your own strength?

What gives you energy?


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What do you want to achieve?


What would you like to achieve?

What is your motivation?


Are you focusing on the possibilities?

What are you good at doing?

What is your strength?


We all have our unique talents!

What are your unique talents?


Are you going for it?


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What does succes mean to you?


What does success mean to you?

Success has a different meaning for each person.

For some, success means winning a medal at the Olympic Games. 

For others, it means practicing a sport at a sports club with a physical disability.

There are many possibilities.


The challenge is to find what suits you and what you enjoy doing.

Success is a broad concept.


What do you want to be successful at?

How are you going to achieve 'your' success?

What are your goals?


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How do you start?


How do you get started?

What is your first step?

An Olympic medal winner also once took the first step.

And look…  see Olympics Paris 2024


Is there anything you would like to do?

Are you unable to actually do it?

How did it feel when you actually did something you wanted to do?


Do you have dreams that you would like to make come true?

What would your life look like if you made your dreams come true?


Do you want to make improvements in your life?

Want to get started?

Do you really want it? 

Start making your dreams come true!


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